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Google search volume for "afte"

Website results for "afte"

 3,789 websites found

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#9,759,364 (+22%) -
Title: Odontotecnica Naturale: biocompatibilità in ambito dentale
Description: odontotecnica,odontotecnica naturale,odontotecnici,allergie ai metalli,cromo,cobalto,odontoiatria,omeopatia,biocompatibil ità,elettrogalvanismo,naturopatia
Keywords:oxides, precious alloys, leghe preziose, sanguinamento, BLEENDING, allergie ai metalli, METAL ALLERGIES, prevenzione alle allergie, ALLERGY PREVENTION, allergie, ALLERGY, allergie orecchini, EAR-RING ALLEGY, denti, TEETH, bocca, MOUTH, tossico, TOXIC, tossicità, TOXICITY, citotossicità, CITOTOXICITY, biocompatibilità, BIOCOMPATIBILITY,
... (View More)
incopatibilità, INCOMPATIBILITY, iperplasie, HYPERPLASIAS, iperplasie gengivali, GUM HYPERPLASIAS, lesioni tumorali, TUMORAL LESIONS, sanguinamento gengivale, GUM BLEEDING, gengivite, GUM INFLAMMATION, tatuaggi gengivali, GUM TATTOING, acufeni, BUZZING IN THE EARS, afte, APHTHAE, faringiti, PHARYNGITIS, gusto, TASTE, alterazioni del gusto, TASTE ALTERATIONS, riniti, RHINITIS, stomatiti, STOMATITS, paradontiti, PERIODONTITIS, eczemi, ECZEMA, patologie gastrointestinali, GASTROENTERIC PATHOLOGIES, riassorbimento osseo, BONE REABSORPITION, perdita dell'osso, BONE LOSS, disturbi oftalmici, OPHTHALMIC TROUBLES, disturbi neurologici, NEUROLOGIC TROUBLES, arrossamento della lingua, TONGUE REDDENING, elettrogalvanismo, ELETTROGALVANISM, corrosione, CORROSION, elettrocorrosione, ELECTRIC CORROSION, ossidoriduzione, OXYDOREDUCTION, ossidi, OXIDES, ossidi metallici, METAL-OXIDES, ossidi tossici, TOXIC-OXIDES, ioni metallici, METAL IONS, galvanismo, GALVANIC EFFECT, radicali liberi, FREE RADICALS, resistenza alla corrosione, RESISTANCE TO CORROSION, placca batterica, BACTERIAL PLAQUE, potenziale elettrochimico, ELETTROCHEMICAL POTENTIAL, trattamento termico, THERMAL TREATMENT, leghe dentali, DENTAL ALLOYS, dentiera, DENTAL PLATE, protesi dentarie, PROSTHESES, manufatti protesici, estetica in oro ceramica, CERAMICS GOLD AES ?????THETIC, metallo ceramica, CERAMICS METAL, interfaccia metallo ceramica, CERAMICS-METAL INTERFACE, legame metallo ceramica, CERAMICS-METAL BOND, protesi in oro, GOLD PROSTHESES, protesi in oro ceramica, CERAMICS-GOLD PROSTHESES, protesi in oro resina, RESIN-GOLD PROTHESES, interfaccia oro composito, COMPOSIT GOLD INTERFACE, interfaccia oro resina, RESIN GOLD INTERFACE, protesi tossiche, TOXIC PROSTHESES, protesi implantologiche, IMPLANTS PROTHESES, implantologia, IMPLANTOLOGY, protesi su impianti, PROTHESES ON IMPLANTS, riabilitazioni implantologiche, IMPLANTS REHABILITATION, rigetto impianti, IMPLANTS REJECTION, periimplantite, IMPLANT INFLAMMATION, overdenture, OVERDENTURE, orecchini, EAR-RINGS, piercing tossico, TOXIC PIERCING, piercing, PIERCING, oro, GOLD, oro tossico, TOXIC GOLD, PRECIOUS ALLOYS, leghe dentali tossiche, TOXIC DENTAL ALLOYS, leghe preziose tossiche, TOXIC PRECIOUS ALLOYS, oreficeria, GOLDSMITHS SHOP, purezza, PURITY, patologie, PATHOLOGY, organismo, ORGANISM, monili, JEWELS, effetti collaterali, COLLATERAL EFFECTS, allergie irreversibili, IRREVERSIBLE ALLERGIES, mal di schiena, BACK ACHE, mal di testa, HEAD ACHE, allergie del cavo orale, MOUTH ALLERGIES, sanitario, SANITARY, sanità, HEALTH SYSTEM, salute dei pazienti, PATIENTS’ HEALTH, dolori, PAINS, reumatismi, RHEUMATISM, irritazione, IRRITATION, salvaguardia, PROTECTION, infarto, INFARCT, infiammazioni, INFLAMMATION, olistica, HOLISTICS, gioielli in oro, GOLD JEWELS, orecchini tossici, TOXIC EAR-RINGS, saldo brasature, BRAZING WELDING, saldature, WELDINGS, saldature oro-resina, RESIN-GOLD WELDING, saldature oro-composito, COMPOSIT-GOLD WELDING, saldature oro-ceramica, CERAMICS-GOLD WELDING, saldature ogetti orafi, JEWEL WELDINGS, lucentezza, SHINING, brillantezza, BRIGHTNESS, lucidatura, POLISH, polimentatura, m ?????U??edicina alternativa, ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, omeopatia, HOMEOPHATY, cromo cobalto, chrome cobalt, aghi trasfusionali, dialisi needles trasfusionali, dialysis, titanio, titanium, leghe al titanio, leagues to the titanium, leghe agli ossidi di zirconia, leagues to the oxides of zirconia, zirconia, zirconia radioattiva, zirconio radioattivo, zirconio, zirconium, free metal, ceramica integrale, integral ceramics, resine, resins, sviluppo malattie autoimmuni, development illnesses autoimmuni, cause delle malattie autoimmuni, causes of the illnesses autoimmuni, perdita difesa immunitari, defended loss immunitari, abbassamento difese immunitarie, lowering defended immunitarie, patologie in odontoiatria, ortodontia, protesi, implantoprotesi, pathologies in dentistry, orthodontics, stretched out, patologia in ginecologia, ortopedia, micro-ortopedia, pediatria, gioielleria, neurologia, chirurgia, dermatologia, dialisi, alimentazione, pathology in gynecology, orthopedics, micro-orthopedics, pediatrics, jewelry, neurology, surgery, dermatology, feeding, patologie da contenitori degli alimenti, dalle pentole per cottura, per fermentazione, pathologies from containers of the foods, from the pots for cooking, for fermentation(View Less)
#1,559,435 (-29%) -
Title: Calivita - produse naturale 100% pentru tratarea diverselor afectiuni
Description: Calivita Produse naturale 100% cu eficenta maxima, terapii, tratamente, performanta cu produse naturiste profesionale, naturale 100%, Gratis Alimentatia adecvata celor 4 grupe sanguine. Dr. Peter J. D
#2,866,415 (+3%) -
Title: The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners
Description: The official website of the Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners. AFTE is an international organization dedicated to the advancement of one of the finest disciplines of Forensic Science......Firearm and Toolmark Identification.
#2,042,859 (-42%) -
Title: Бесплатные интро для видео в Sony Vegas Pro, AE и CINEMA 4D
Description: Здесь вы cможете скачать заставки для канала на youtube и интро для монтажа видео в Sony Vegas, After Effects и CINEMA 4D. Бесплатные шаблоны free intro template!
#892,760 (+33%) -
Title: Aftek, India - IT services provider, Embedded systems, Hardware engineering, Testing services, Offshore technology services
Description: Aftek Limited is a full spectrum technology services company from India. We specialize in end-to-end solutions.
#0 (0%) -
Title: Afandra Mitra Persada | Jual Berbagai Macam Material Bangunan Berkualitas
Description: Afandra Mitra Persada merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak sebagai penyedia bahan bangunan yang juga merupakan distributor resmi dari PT ITLS Indonesia. Material yang kami sediakan adalah perekat keramik, plester, epoxy dan waterproofing.
#12,317,616 (+78%) -
Title: Aftek--Applied Filtration Technology, Inc.
Description: AFTEK Inc., bringing you over 20 years of service with over 80 years of knowledge in process Filtration. In addition to our already extensive line of filtration, water and wastewater treatment equipment, 2005 brings the addition of Begerow ( Beco ), Alfa
#0 (0%) -
Title: Bizzyboard & Cheerycharts - StillSunday
Description: Bizzyboard, Cheerycharts, plannen, belonen, weekplanner, planboard, planbord, aftellen, belonen