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Google search volume for "donating"

Website results for "donating"

 115 websites found

#11,299 (-5%) -
Title: Kiva - Loans that change lives
Description: Make a loan to an entrepreneur across the globe for as little as 25. Kiva is the world's first online lending platform connecting online lenders to entrepreneurs across the globe.
#0 (0%) -
Title: Kiva - Loans that change lives
Description: Make a loan to an entrepreneur across the globe for as little as 25. Kiva is the world's first online lending platform connecting online lenders to entrepreneurs across the globe.
#307,807 (-2%) -
Title: Homepage -
Description: strengthens Australia's community groups, education institutions and non-profit organisations by providing grants and funding advice, training, a free online donations service and practical information on fundraising, governance, fina
Keywords:grant, community groups, grantmaker, grant maker, grant seeker, grantseeker, grantmakers network, philanthropy, philanthropic, grant giving, foundation, community foundation, corporate foundation, family trusts, PPF, PPFs, Australian Best Practice Grantmaking Quarterly, government grants, grantmakers network, grant makers network, board, boards, governance, not-for-profit governance, non-profit governance,
... (View More)
#0 (0%) -
Title: Special E rescues items left over from meetings, banquets, parties, weddings, special events, and more.
Description: Special E rescues leftover food, flowers, recyclables, supplies, etc. from meetings, parties, weddings, and special events, then repurposes them in ways that benefit our planet and people in need.
Keywords:affair, affaire, assisted living, association, Atlanta, Baltimore, banquet, ballroom, bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, beverage, biodegradable, Boston, bottle, Canada, can, candle, carbon footprint, cater, caterer, catering, cause, centerpiece, charitable, charities,
... (View More)
charity, children, church, CO2, collect, collecting, compost, compostable, composting, conference, convention, corporate event, Dallas, décor, decoration, deliver, delivery, Denver, Detroit, disaster, donate, donating, donation, Earth, eco, eco-friendly, eco-minded, environment, environmental, environmentally-friendly, event, event planner, event planning, events, event site, event space, excess, exhibit, extra, family, feed, floral arrangement, florist, floral design, floral designer, flowers, food, food bank, food pantry, footprint, Fort Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale, fundraiser, fundraising, gala, globe, global, global warming, green, greenhouse, greening, help, homeless, hospital, hospitality, hospice, Houston, hotel, humanitarian, hunger, hungry, Kansas City, landfill, Las Vegas, leftovers, London, Los Angeles, Manhattan, meeting, meeting planner, meeting planning, Miami, Minneapolis, mission, natural, need, needy, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, New York City, non-profit, North America, nursing home, NYC, organic, Orlando, parties, party, Philadelphia, Phoenix, plan, planet, planner, planning, Portland, program, property, reception, recover, recyclable, recycle, recycling, reduce, relief agency, relief agencies, repurpose, reuse, rescue, rescuing, resort, restaurant, salvage, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, save, saving, Seattle, share, sharing, shelter, social, socially-responsible, soup kitchen, special, special events, St. Louis, steward, stewardship, supplies, surplus, sustainable, sustainability, synagogue, Tampa, temple, Toronto, trade show, trash, U.S., unique, United States, USA, Vancouver, venue, Washington DC, waste, water, wedding planner, wedding planning, wedding, world, zero(View Less)
#539,515 (-20%) -
Title: International Charity - Volunteer or Donate Internationally
Description: UniversalGiving is dedicated to making giving and volunteering a natural part of everyday life! Connect with exceptional organizations working all over the world - in the places and on the issues that you care about most. We are a social entrepreneurship
#662,461 (-28%) -
Title: GlobalGiving UK: donate to grassroot charity projects from around the world
Description: Select from grassroot charity projects from around the world. Donate to various types of projects including health, environmental, microfinance and many others.
#529,839 (+34%) -
Description: Helping the greater good by making a difference in the world. Feeding the hungry, protecting the rainforest, giving to charity, donating to those in need, and taking action for good causes.
#1,360,501 (-9%) -
Title: Philanthropy Australia » Promoting Giving
Description: Philanthropy Australia is the Australian national peak body for philanthropy and is a not-for-profit membership organisation. Our members are trusts and foundations, families and individuals who want to make a difference through their own philanthropy an