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Google search volume for "ft-ir"

Website results for "ft-ir"

 13 websites found

#742,300 (-5%) -
Title: Bruker - Analytical Instruments for IR, NIR, Raman, NMR, EPR, MRI, TOF MS, XRD and XRF Spectroscopy | Bruker
Description: Bruker BioSpin designs, manufactures and distributes enabling life science and analytical research tools based on magnetic resonance core technology.
#5,199,852 (-16%) -
Title: Home
Description: AFR has successfully developed innovative laboratory and process control instruments and software products including advanced Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and FT-Raman spectrometers that are today serving leading industrial and academic clients.
#9,975,452 (+108%) -
Title: D&P Instruments specializes in designing and building very small, low power, rugged FTIR spectrometers for use in portable, air
Description: Portable remote sensing FTIR spectrometers for mineralogical, geological, and ground truth measurements of absolute radiance, temperature, and emissivity
#5,233,539 (+418%) -
Title: Quantex Laboratories
Description: Quantex Laboratories provides drug development services to support early to late phase projects. Our services are designed to help our customers address the bottleneck between the discovery of therapeutic targets and the testing of drug candidates in hum