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Google search volume for "plication"

Website results for "plication"

 4 websites found

#2,978,782 (+21%) -
Title: EsophyX TIF Procedure & StomaphyX, Fundoplication Surgery to Treat GERD, Acid Reflux Disease Treatment Options
Description: EndoGastric Solutions develops innovative incisionless transoral procedures and products for treating upper GI diseases like chronic acid reflux, or GERD (gastroesophageal disease). The TIF (Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication) EsophyX procedure correc

Not available.
#5,893,418 (+63%) -
Title: Medical Chat Mexico - Forum Community for Mexico Medical Tourists |
Description: Discussion forum community for Mexico medical tourists. We connect past and potential medical tourist to share and support each other.

Not available.