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Google search volume for "cedaw"

Website results for "cedaw"

 4 websites found

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#1,912,311 (+170%) -
Title: UK Feminista
Description: UK Feminista’s vision is of a society in which women live free from sexism and enjoy all the rights enshrined in CEDAW. The mission of UK Feminista is to inspire, enable and mobilise feminist activism UK-wide to achieve this vision.
#7,199,211 (-28%) -
Title: WISCOMP | An initiative of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility
Description: A leading South Asian think tank, Women in Security, Conflict Management Peace has, since was founded in 1999, sought to ensure that women are part of decision-making processes, particularly those intended to resolve conflict situations.
#0 (0%) -
Title: CEDAW 2012
Description: CEDAW 2012