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Google search volume for "cqrs"

Website results for "cqrs"

 4 websites found

#0 (0%) -
Title: CQRS, DDD, Event Sourcing in .NET
Description: Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. CQRS in .NET. Domain Driven Design. Event Sourcing.
#3,619,317 (-9%) -
Title: Łukasz Dembiński |
Description: Nazywam się Łukasz Dembiński, jestem absolwentem wydziału ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ukończyłem kierunki - Systemy Rozproszone i Aplikacje Internetowe
Title: Distributed Podcast
Description: Distributed Podcast - all you ever wanted to hear and learn about building with DDD, CQRS, Cloud and much more!