Title: Long Pepper From Cambodia - Kiri Farms Long Pepper
Description: Kiri Farms is a family-owned farm producing some of the finest pepper in the world. We specialize in growing long pepper spices from the Kampot region.
Description: Zaxel is taking images and video to the next level, replacing two-dimensional still images, videos and broadcasts with 3D images, video and real-time content, giving every user a unique and tailored experience.
Description: A Singer and entertainment-enterpriser, producing Electronic Rock and Orchestra Songs featuring obscure Synthesis. No auto-tune. KatlinaKliewer.com
Title: Sekrett Scilensce ~ Music | Entertainment | Merchandise
Description: A multi-style Musician creating Electro crossover and Synthesizer powered Orchestra Songs. No auto-tune, Listening and Licensing. SekrettScilensce.net