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The Citizen Online | Home  #5,097,867 (-21%)

Get the latest local and international news and opinion from The Citizen Online."> "and this is the other
thecitizen.co.za has a global rank of #5,097,867 which puts itself among the top 10 million most popular websites worldwide. thecitizen.co.za rank has decreased -21% over the last 3 months. It reaches roughly 2,790 users and delivers about 6,150 pageviews each month. Its estimated monthly revenue is $18.00. We estimate the value of thecitizen.co.za to be around $219.00. The domain thecitizen.co.za uses a South Africa suffix and its server(s) are located in South Africa with the IP number thecitizen.co.za is not listed on Dmoz.

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Worth & Traffic Estimate of thecitizen.co.za

Estimated numbers for thecitizen.co.za  - Niche: General - Average CPM: $2.80 Question MarkCPM or eCPM: Effective Cost per 1000 impressions.

For publishers it means average earnings for each 1k impressions.
Example: A website with a $3 CPM and 10000 impressions/pageviews a day is making on average $30 dollars a day.
Website Worth: $219.00
Daily Pageviews: 205
Daily Visitors: 93
Daily Ads Revenue: $0.60
Website Worth: $219.00
Monthly Pageviews: 6,150
Monthly Visitors: 2,790
Monthly Ads Revenue: $18.00
Website Worth: $219.00
Yearly Pageviews: 74,825
Yearly Visitors: 33,945
Yearly Ads Revenue: $219.00
Choose a specific category/niche Question MarkThe value and earnings of a website just like a physical company also depends on the market it's focusing.

A Humor blog for example usually have low value for potential advertisers while a Finance one have a higher value since it usually has more visitors willing to buy expensive services/products and this consequently affects a website average earnings per visitors so as market worth.
Average High priced niches
Average Low priced niches
Banking and Finance
Books & Online content
Consumer durables
Fashion and Clothing
Hotels and Travel
IT hardware
Machinery or equipment
Medical treatment
Miracle drugs or vitamins
News Portals
Random blogs or content
Real Estate
Shopping Portals
Social networks
Webmaster & Web Hosting

Main Information of thecitizen.co.za

DNS Records of thecitizen.co.za

thecitizen.co.zaNS3600Target: ns3.webser.co.za
thecitizen.co.zaNS3600Target: ns1.rsaweb.co.za
thecitizen.co.zaSOA3600MNAME: ns1.rsaweb.co.za
RNAME: support.rsaweb.co.za
Refresh: 28800
Retry: 7200
Expire: 604800
Minimum TTL: 500

Name Servers of thecitizen.co.za


Header Info of thecitizen.co.za

Search Engine & Internet Presense of thecitizen.co.za

A website with a large amount of indexed pages in search engines is more likely to have tons of visits.
If you are buying thecitizen.co.za or it is your competitor checking how many pages indexed it has is vital.
If thecitizen.co.za has no pages indexed it means it's too new, is banned or suffered a penalty.

Statistical Graphics of thecitizen.co.za

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IP Tracing of thecitizen.co.za

    thecitizen.co.za is hosted by RSAWEB Internet Services in Cape Town, Western Cape.
  • Country:South Africa flag
  • City:Cape Town
  • Region:Western Cape
  • Latitude:-33.9167
  • Longitude:18.4167
  • ASNum:AS37053 RSAWEB Internet Services
  • ISP:RSAWEB Internet Services
  • Organization:RSAWEB Internet Services

Similar Domain Names of thecitizen.co.za

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Whois Record of thecitizen.co.za

simple CO.ZA whois server
The CO.ZA simple whois server
© Copyright UniForum SA
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Your query has generated the following reply:-

Search on thecitizen (.co.za)
Match: One

Domain: thecitizen.co.za

Accounting info....
Date |Type| Cost |Invoices are E-Mail to....|Paid Date |ICnt| TrkNo |Billing Info
2006-11-21| N | 50.00|[Spam Protected Email] |2006-12-08| 2 | 675459|The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd
2007-12-04| R | 50.00|[Spam Protected Email] |2008-03-05| 4 | 870991|The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd
2008-12-02| R | 50.00|[Spam Protected Email] |2009-02-06| 3 | 1115037|The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd
2009-12-02| R | 50.00|[Spam Protected Email] |2010-01-26| 2 | 1424751|The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd
2010-12-01| R | 50.00|[Spam Protected Email] |2010-12-20| 1 | 1737850|The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd
2011-12-01| R | 50.00|[Spam Protected Email] |2012-02-01| 2 | 2064358|The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd
2012-12-03| R | 50.00|[Spam Protected Email] |2013-02-05| 3 | 2404138|The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd

Flashing RED indicates that payment has not been received - please
confirm with the UniForum SA accounting department, [Spam Protected Email], should this
not be according to your records. You have been sent 0 invoices/statements.

0a. lastupdate : 2006/11/21 11:22:20+02
0b. emailsource : [Spam Protected Email]
0c. emailposted : Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:23:09 +0200
0d. emailsubject : new
0g. historycount : 1
0h. invoiceno : 675459
0i. contracttype : NEW
0j. rcsversion : $Revision: 1.143 $ $Date: 2006/10/19 16:13:08 $
1a. domain : thecitizen.co.za
1b. action : N
1c. Registrar : UniForum S.A.
2a. registrant : Caxton & CTP Publishers & Priters LTD.
2b. registrantpostaladdress: P.O.box 43069, industria, 2024,-, , , --
2c. registrantstreetaddress: 9 Wright Str, industria west, 2024
2d. amount : 50.00
2e. paymenttype : I
2f. billingaccount : The Citizen 1978 pty Ltd
2g. billingemail : [Spam Protected Email]
2i. invoiceaddress : P.O.box 43069, industria, 2024
2j. registrantphone : +27.112486000
2k. registrantfax : +27.112486213
2l. registrantemail : [Spam Protected Email]
2n. vat :
3b. cname :
3c. cnamesub1 :
3d. cnamesub2 :
3e. creationdate : 2006/11/21 11:22:20
4a. admin : administration, dns
4b. admintitle : Mr
4c. admincompany : MTN network Solutions
4d. adminpostaladdr : P.O.Box 3070, Randburg, 2125
4e. adminphone : +27 11 280 0600
4f. adminfax : +27 11 280 0880
4g. adminemail : [Spam Protected Email]
4h. adminnic :
5a. tec : administration, dns
5b. tectitle : Mr
5c. teccompany : MTN network Solutions
5d. tecpostaladdr : P.O.Box 3070, Randburg, 2125
5e. tecphone : +27 11 280-0600
5f. tecfax : +27 11 280-0880
5g. tecemail : [Spam Protected Email]
5h. tecnic :
6a. primnsfqdn : ns1.mtnns.net
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9a. description1 :
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9c. description3 :
9d. description4 :
9e. description5 :
9f. description6 :

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Last update: 10 years ago
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