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Google search volume for "inventhelp"

Website results for "inventhelp"

 7 websites found

#390,106 (-13%) -
Title: InventHelp, "The Invent Help People": Have an Invention Idea?
Description: InventHelp, "The Invent Help People," is America's leading invention help company. We assist inventors in trying to submit their new inventions or product ideas to industry. For clients who want to try to patent an idea, we also provide invention patent
#1,055,747 (+4%) -
Title: InventHelp Store - "Unseen On TV" & "As Seen On TV" Products
Description: Buy inventions developed by InventHelp clients at the official InventHelp store. In addition to these unique products, you can also purchase InventHelp Caveman logo apparel and specialty items, such as shirts, hats, golf balls, travel mugs and more.
#901,907 (+5%) -
Title: InventHelp Presents INPEX - The Invention & New Product Exposition
Description: INPEX, the Invention New Product Exposition, is the largest invention trade show in America and perhaps the world. Produced by InventHelp, the show provides a forum for inventors, entrepreneurs and intellectual property owners to exhibit their inventions
Title: Law Office of Kyle Fletcher, P.C. | Invention Ideas, New Product Ideas, Help and Development | Charlotte North Carolina Patent
Description: Fletcher Patents. Law Office of Kyle Fletcher, P.C., is an intellectual property attorney law office firm located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Invention Ideas, New Product Ideas, Help and Development. Patent Search. As an intellectual property lawyer, K
Title: INVENTOR NEWS from InventHelpĀ®
Description: InventHelp, "The Invent Help People," is a leading inventor service company. Since 1984, we've been helping everyday inventors submit their ideas to industry.
#5,331,629 (+142%) -
Title: Intellectual Property & Invention Patent Help | Central Coast Patent Agency | California, U.S.A, International | Affordable Edge
Description: How to Protect Your Invention Ideas and Intellectual Property From Infringement. Use Expert Knowledge Gained from 45 Years of Filing Over 3,000 Patents for Clients Around the World.